Thursday, 24 January 2019

Musings from an ordinary girl turned old goat

What was I thinking to call this 'just an ordinary girl'?  What dream was I dreaming to call myself a girl???  I have graying hair, an expanding waist, two grand kids, and more years behind me than ahead of me. 

But I am ordinary. 

Right now I'm worried about all of the ordinary older people like me that keep our churches going.  Where are the young people?  They tend to go for the evangelical, not main-stream churches. 

This is interesting:  I went to a church with some young people last summer and they explained that they like it because the minister deals with real life stuff, even internet and social media. 

Well, I am a Licensed Lay Worship Leader for The United Church of Canada.  I am often talking about real life stuff, connecting scripture to our political world, our everyday cares, our joys and our sorrows. 

Next Sunday, I address a misconception I had about the term 'bully pulpit' based on how the term is currently being used, or misused. 

I have delivered some sermons that people really like, but they are to congregations of 9 to 40 people.  I really want to instil hope, and faith, believing as I do that our Christian faith can offer the hope, faith and guidance our young people (and old ordinary girls like me) desperately need. 

So...why do people stay away from church?  I find it uplifting and inspiring.  Yes, sometimes the people are hurtful or thoughtless...Any group of people runs the risk of discord.  But the higher calling that God provides helps us get over that. 

Just the musings of an old goat, who pretends to be an ordinary girl.

How's that for ordinary?

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Hah! I'm dealing with it better now.

Interesting to read my last post.   In many ways, things have continued in the same vein.  For example, at church, where I volunteer as secr...