Wednesday 20 March 2019

Wolves of Various Kinds

Babysitting our two grandkids was fun, rewarding, and turned out to have an interesting side effect.  One night the three dogs kicked up quite a fuss.  The next day, we discovered three deer carcasses in the back yard.  The following days we were treated to a display of predatory birds chowing down -- including three bald eagles.  It was quite fun to watch.  Grandson number one took pictures of the dead deer (fascinated by the innards!).  My husband snowshoed out to the scene of the crime and discovered many HUGE canine footprints.  We are pretty sure it was wolves, not coyotes that did the deed. 

That's one kind of wolf.  The other is the people kind.  Churches can attract all kinds of people, of course...and all should be welcome and feel loved.  However, when some decide to cause trouble, and tell lies about others, it might be time to get tough.  The perfect Christian world of my head and heart doesn't always exist in reality.  So, I will spend less time with that wolf-in-sheep's-clothing.  And time to not buy into that person's narrative. 

I prefer the wild wolf variety.  Although both cause pain and drama.

I'm having an ordinary girl reaction to difficult situations. 

Hah! I'm dealing with it better now.

Interesting to read my last post.   In many ways, things have continued in the same vein.  For example, at church, where I volunteer as secr...