Monday, 28 January 2019

Extraordinary? Not a chance.

I did a Google search of blogs called "Just an ordinary girl" and there are a few.  A few also go so far as to say they are tending to have an extraordinary life, and they post exotic pictures from around the world, and recount exciting events.  Okay....that is not ordinary at all.  I am ordinary!

I led worship at a two-point charge yesterday.  The weather was bitterly cold but I was pleasantly surprised by the numbers of congregants at each church.  We are tough in this northern clime! 

I was quite nervous about the message, although parts of it really appealed to me (explaining 'bully pulpit', giving examples of not understanding something because of perspective).  It dipped into politics a bit and I had been warned that some people, although we live in Canada, are strong supporters of the current American president.  Also, I was going to hearken back to a controversial city council vote known as 'English only' that actually had people leave the church because they had interpreted the minister's message as 'taking sides', and to them...he was taking the wrong side! 

So I was addressing all of this by countering it with the politics of Christ, and that is where our allegiance lies.  I said that the church pulpit is not a place for personal political opinions.  I would rather think it is a teaching platform, encouraging understanding and further study of Jesus' ministry so that people can apply those principles to their own lives and their demands of politicians.  Sometimes, of course, that would mean becoming more politically involved...but I don't think that is something that comes from the pulpit!  But it might be inspired from the pulpit. 

Today, I finished the missing part of a grant application to support camp jobs.  I lay in bed for a long time, fearing and dreading this task.  And I prayed that God would help me have a better, more loving, more committed attitude to the task.  And it worked!  I got it done, and it wasn't nearly as painful as I thought it would be. 

Cold, cold, cold today....minus 30 Celsius.  I am drinking tea, wrapped in a blanket and about to head back to my book.  (memoir by Nancy Reagan). It's better than being outside dwarfed by snowbanks!

How's that for ordinary?

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Hah! I'm dealing with it better now.

Interesting to read my last post.   In many ways, things have continued in the same vein.  For example, at church, where I volunteer as secr...