Friday, 13 December 2019

Terrible Two

I love my youngest grandson very much.  I shouldn't have to say that, but right now I am reminding myself. 

He isn't two years old YET, but he is displaying some of the mindset of a two-year-old.  You know --- independence, opposition, and methods of getting one's own way that are both wily and darned cute! 

Today I babysat.  And I think I did a terrible job.  He terrorized the dog, threw things around, and screamed 'no' a lot. 

I tried to take a firm and calm approach. 

The good news --- we made it to the end of the day, still loving each other, still relatively happy.  He ate, he slept, he pooped, he played, he danced, he climbed, he hopped, he smiled and laughed a lot. 

Maybe I didn't do such a bad job after all...

Hah! I'm dealing with it better now.

Interesting to read my last post.   In many ways, things have continued in the same vein.  For example, at church, where I volunteer as secr...