Saturday, 26 November 2011

Where did the time go?

Less than a month until Christmas!  It's time to start panicking.  Christimas should be fun, right?  Not about buying the right gift, decorating, stressing. 

I'm back to work since my last post.  I teach twenty-one SK/Grade 1 students.  And I LOVE my job.  The kids have lots of baggage (hard to believe of 4,5 and 6 year olds but it's very true), but have risen above their life circumstances to be kind, caring, loving little people.  I'm very lucky.  Also, I feel that I am actually teaching this year, not just managing behaviours.  So that's a bonus.  There are two runners in the class, that I try to corral a little so that they don't leave the building.  So far, so good. 

I also have a beautiful little dog now that I didn't have in early August.  Her name is Faith and she is a miniature Schnauzer.  Which reminds me...guess I'd better take her out for a walk.

How's that for ordinary?

Hah! I'm dealing with it better now.

Interesting to read my last post.   In many ways, things have continued in the same vein.  For example, at church, where I volunteer as secr...